Travelling Abroad: Everything You Need To KnowTravelling Abroad: Everything You Need To Know

Travelling abroad can be scary and stressful for first-timers. No matter how often you travel, or how excited you are, there is always a hint of anxiety before your first international trip. However, you do not have to worry because in this blog we will help you prepare for it!

10 Things To Prepare Before Travelling Abroad

There are a few things apart from travel and accommodation bookings that you must prepare for, some of them are:

1. Prepare Documents

Documents are one of the most important items to secure when you are travelling. Ensure that you research all the necessary documents that you may need for your travel and secure them. Additionally, ensure to have a digital backup along with a few photocopies. Having both cloud and physical backup will allow you to recover your documents in case of any loss.

2. Health checkups

Some countries require vaccination proofs at the time of immigration. Some common vaccination proofs you may require are Yellow Fever, Covid-19, Polio, etc. Hence, you must ensure to research any vaccines required for the country you want to visit and look for any other terms and conditions.

3. Familiarise The Local Culture

You must be respectful to the people and their culture when you travel. Research about local culture and familiarise yourself with them. This will ensure that you don’t face any issues while travelling. For example – in India, people do not appreciate public displays of affection or if you are travelling to the USA people will expect you to know the English language.

4. Carry Local Currency

Ensure to always carry cash while travelling and keep some extra for emergencies. Travelling with cash will allow you to avoid high conversion charges on your debit or credit card.

5. Travel Insurance

One thing international travellers must invest in is travel insurance. It will help to ensure that in case of any last-minute change of plans, you will retrieve most of your amount.

Additionally, also look into investing in baggage insurance, it will help you retrieve your expenses of personal items in case your baggage is lost or delayed.

Also read: The importance of travel insurance in a shrinking world

6. Carry Power Banks & Adapter

If you are going on a long journey or going to be out for a long distance, you must carry a power bank so that you can keep your phone charged. Additionally, also carry a universal adapter as it will allow you to charge your phones even if the charging pins are different.

7. Research Local Public Transportation

Public transportation is affordable and convenient. Hence, if you are travelling abroad and want to stay within budget, look for public transportation options. It will allow you to make your travel easy and convenient. You can also ask locals for help with directions if you are confused or lost.

8. Local SIM

Consider purchasing a local SIM card as it will be convenient. Ensure to also purchase a data plan for a few days as it will allow you to be connected to the internet. Staying connected to the internet will make it easier for you to navigate and stay in touch with your friends and family.

9. Download An Offline Map

In case you decide not to invest in a local SIM, consider downloading maps online. Some examples are Google Maps and This will also be beneficial if you are in an area with low network connectivity.

10. Make A List 

Before your travel make a list of all things you may need. Plan your itinerary and try to brainstorm all the things you may require. For example, you are going to a country and plan to visit the beach. In this situation, be sure to pack towels, bathing suits, sunscreen, flip-flops etc. 

Making a list in advance will help you stay prepared and reduce the chances of you forgetting something.

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Things To Keep In Mind While Travelling Abroad

When you are travelling to another country for the first time, you may find many challenging situations. Even with a lot of planning, things don’t necessarily go your way. Hence, here are some additional things you can do to ensure your travel goes smoothly:

1. Always Stay Alert

When you are travelling, always be alert. Keep your belongings safe and be aware of your surroundings. Additionally, be alert to common tourist scams and avoid going to isolated places.

2. Stay Calm Even In Emergencies

Sometimes, things don’t go as planned and you may find yourself in a difficult situation, for example, you may lose something at the airport. No matter how cautious you are, you are prone to make a mistake. In these situations, you must not panic and stay calm. Try to think about the last place you kept your belongings. Additionally, you can also ask airport staff for help and contact the lost and found department of the airport.

3. Stay Flexible

While travelling, we are often excited to explore new cities and places. Due to this, we often want to visit every place with little time possible. Nonetheless, this can cause fatigue which is not ideal. To avoid this, keep your travel time flexible, don’t pack your schedule as you may get exhausted travelling from one place to another. Rather, allow yourself time to rest and keep your travel flexible.

4. Keep Items Secure

Always keep important things such as your phone, wallet and documents secure. Keep your original documents safe in your hotel, and carry photocopies of your documents instead of your original ones. Moreover, you can also keep an extra wallet with minimum cash so you do not have to worry about misplacing or losing your wallet.

5. Keep A Backup Plan

Take into account things that can go wrong and always have a backup plan. For example, if you reach your accommodation late at night and the hotel you booked doesn’t exist or is overbooked, what would you do in such a situation? It is best to have a backup plan, like in this scenario an alternate accommodation nearby.

6. Carry A Water Bottle

Always carry a water bottle with you. While this is a general suggestion, you must stay hydrated to avoid dehydration and fatigue. Apart from staying hydrated, it can also come in handy if you want to clean your hands or if someone gets injured and you want to clean the wound.

7. Carry A First-Aid Kit

Keep minimal first-aid equipment such as medication you are currently using (if any), bandages, antiseptic, etc. The first-aid kit will be handy in case you or a family member gets injured.

8. Plan & Stick To A Budget

While travelling abroad, ensure that you create a budget and abide by it. However, you must keep your budget a bit flexible and keep account for miscellaneous expenses or emergencies. It will allow you to enjoy your travel without having to go over the budget you assign.

By Shreya Bhatt

I am Shreya Bhatt, a content writer and creator who enjoys answering audiences' curiosity with her blogs. I graduated in 2023 with a bachelor's in mass communication. I have always taken an immense interest in writing, and creating content. My first workshop about SEO is what piqued my interest in content writing, and I have been pursuing it ever since. I love to write about diverse topics and enjoy researching and gathering information about something that is new to me. Although I graduated in 2023, I have over a year's experience in content writing. Personally, I love to travel, listen to music, and follow an active lifestyle. As a child, I often looked at Google to answer all my questions, and today as an adult I look to answer the questions of others.

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