Guide To Solo Travelling: Safety Tips For BeginnersGuide To Solo Travelling: Safety Tips For Beginners

Solo Travelling is great for mental peace, it allows you to be truly independent and makes you feel free. Moreover, it provides you with a thrilling and memorable experience. 

Many people often recommend going on solo travels as they help in self-discovery. They allow you the freedom to explore, have personal time, allows you time to recharge and helps to provide a sense of independence.

Solo travelling is quite trendy currently. A lot of people have been inspired and influenced to have a solo trip. 

The world is a beautiful place filled with a lot of things that one can explore. However, it is important to remember that safety should be your priority.

Safety Tips For Solo Travel

1) Research

If it is your first time travelling alone, ensure that you spend a lot of time on research. Look for destinations close to you and are known to be safe. Research about safe cities or countries near you and research about their crime rates and common tourist scams if any.

For example, some of the safest cities are:

  1. Singapore City
  2. Tokyo
  3. Oslo
  4. Hong Kong
  5. Dubai
  6. Sydney
  7. London

Additionally, research about safe stays, and the climate of the place you will be visiting. Ensure that the time you are travelling is also safe. For instance, avoid visiting a hilly area during monsoon as there may be chances of landslides. 

Moreover, don’t forget to get any vaccinations you may require before visiting your destination and ensure you have a medical checkup before your travel as it can help to ensure you are in good health for your trip.

2) Research Safe Accommodations

When you are travelling alone ensure that you research well for accommodations, read reviews, and also watch YouTube videos to gain more insight.

Don’t blindly book hotels that may look appealing for an extremely low price as these may be fishy. Do not compromise safety even if it means booking slightly more expensive accommodation. 

3) Keep Your Belongingness Secure

Ensure to keep all your belongings secure such as your personal documents, phone, cash, etc. 

In a new place these are extremely essential. Make sure you secure all your documents and carry a photocopy to be on the safer side.

You may also use a digital backup for all your important documents. Be extremely attentive to your belongings and keep them close to you at all times.

4) Search For Solo Travel Packages & Groups

If you are nervous about solo travelling but still want to explore, there are groups of solo travellers you can join. This is a great way to meet new people, socialise and be safe while travelling.

Solo travel groups are a great option for people who fear travelling alone or aren’t street-smart. It is safer to travel among other fellow travellers than alone. However, be careful to not trust anyone easily as they are still strangers. In such situations, it’s best to trust your instincts.

Often people prefer going with solo travel groups as they reduce the stress of planning as you get expert opinions. 

Nevertheless, it does reduce independence and limit the chance for self-discovery. Hence, it is essential to do proper research and choose to travel solo or with a solo travel group according to your comfort and needs.

Women have more concern for safety than men, and may not be comfortable travelling with men they are not familiar with. Hence, some travel packages include all-women trips. This is a good option for them to join a group that provides solo travel for women.

5) Don’t Wander Off In Dangerous Areas

While solo travelling, it is common that you would want to enjoy fun adventures. While it is okay to do so, it is important to remember to be safe and follow your instincts. Avoid going to places with less or no crowds and ensure to be safe.

Visit popular places and stay alert at all times. Avoid wandering off late at night as it can be dangerous. You can even ask locals for safe places to visit and different activities to try. This will allow you to enjoy some fun and adventure while ensuring your safety.

6) Keep Your Family Informed

Share all the details of your trip with your family. If you are travelling by flight, share your flight details, the places you will be visiting, the places you will be staying and share live location with them at all times. 

Moreover, keep in touch with them throughout your trip, doing this will help them have peace of mind knowing that you are safe and they can easily reach out to you if they are worried.

7) Keep Battery Backup & Data

Getting lost in an unfamiliar place can be scary. However, if you have a charged mobile phone along with the internet it can be easy to navigate back using Google Maps.

Hence, you must ensure to have battery backup for your electronic devices such as mobile and laptop. Carry a power bank with you and purchase data. This will help you access the internet easily in case you need to book a cab, call someone, or check maps.

Which Is Better Solo Travel Or Group Travel?

The answer to this question is quite subjective. Many people prefer to travel with friends and family and some prefer to travel solo. Solo travel may be in trend, nonetheless, it is important to understand that it is not suitable for everyone. It depends on several factors such as a person’s personality type, preference, instinct etc.

Additionally, being street smart is also important as it helps one to navigate through challenges.

Also read: Solo Travel Vs Group Tours – How To Choose!

What Is An Ideal Age For Solo Travelling? 

There is no specific ideal age for solo travel. However, you need to be at least 18 as you will require parental permission for travelling before the legal age.

Nevertheless, it mainly depends on how responsible you are, how you handle situations, how mature you are, and how much experience you have with travelling. 

If you have not travelled much, it is better to travel with friends and family and gain experience before you head out for your solo adventure.

You may also like: Group Trips With Friends: How To Stay Secure?


Solo travelling is an experience that helps you in your path of self-discovery and allows you to explore the world in your own way. It allows you to be independent and provides you with freedom. Nevertheless, it is essential to be safe while travelling alone.

Some people prefer to travel with company while others wish to travel and explore alone. No matter how you choose to travel, it is important to ensure safety. You can do so by following different steps like doing proper research, keeping your family informed, having power backup etc.

While there is no ideal age for travelling alone one should wait till they are responsible, mature and have enough experience with travelling.

By Shreya Bhatt

I am Shreya Bhatt, a content writer and creator who enjoys answering audiences' curiosity with her blogs. I graduated in 2023 with a bachelor's in mass communication. I have always taken an immense interest in writing, and creating content. My first workshop about SEO is what piqued my interest in content writing, and I have been pursuing it ever since. I love to write about diverse topics and enjoy researching and gathering information about something that is new to me. Although I graduated in 2023, I have over a year's experience in content writing. Personally, I love to travel, listen to music, and follow an active lifestyle. As a child, I often looked at Google to answer all my questions, and today as an adult I look to answer the questions of others.

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