Gaming Addiction: How To Overcome It?Gaming Addiction: How To Overcome It?

We all are familiar with gaming. It is a fun and a great way to relieve stress, but as we know, an excess of anything is harmful, the same goes for gaming. Without moderation, one may develop a gaming addiction that is difficult to overcome. 

Since COVID-19, the gaming addiction has grown a lot. This is mainly because during lockdown youngsters found a way to kill time through gaming. However, due to the stimulation, many youngsters still struggle with this addiction. Hence, in this blog, we will understand the signs of addiction, how to prevent gaming addiction, and how to overcome it.

What Are The Signs Of A Gaming Addiction

There are various signs one shows when one suffers from gaming addiction. Some of which are:

1. Withdrawal From Other Interests

One of the most common signs of gaming addiction is that an individual starts to withdraw interest in other activities and prioritises gaming over everything else. One must understand that when someone develops an addiction, they do not have control over their mind.

2. Lying About Hours Spent Gaming

Often, when youngsters start to spend an excessive amount of time gaming, parents notice it and they do their best to limit screen time. However, it is difficult to keep an eye out for children 24/7 due to which children try to sneak in more time for gaming.

A gaming addict will always try to gain an opportunity to play even if they have restrictions. Moreover, they will lie about it. When someone starts to lie about the hours they spend gaming, it can be a sign that they are developing an addiction.

3. Excessive Gaming

Often, people who struggle with extreme addictions can spend days at a time just playing video games. Therefore, it makes them lethargic. If someone spends an unreasonable amount of time playing video games, one must set a time limit for gaming before it goes out of hand.

4. Lack of Control

Many video games are designed in a way that is highly addictive. They have highly engaging graphics that stimulate the brain and can also reduce the attention span of an individual. 

Such games do a great job of keeping the user engaged with either rewards or challenging gameplay for example – Pubg, Valorant, Call Of Duty, etc.

When a player becomes addicted, they lose control of how much time they spend gaming, and it can be very harmful. Many addicts often stop taking care of themselves and play games for days without taking care of their hygiene.

5. Increase In Anxiety & Irritability 

Some studies have pointed out the benefits of gaming such as helping reduce stress, increase decision-making, etc. However, studies also suggest that individuals with gaming disorders develop anxiety and abnormal emotional regulation.

An addiction to anything is always a negative sign. This is why people who get addicted to gaming will often show signs of anxiety and irritability.

In some situations, when a person with an addiction is withdrawn from gaming for a longer period they tend to show signs of anger, irritation, and agitation.

If you notice most of these symptoms you must get help from a professional who can help guide you better.

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3 Preventive Measures To Avoid Gaming Addiction

Now, we’ll take a look at some ways to prevent developing a gaming addiction.

1) Set Time Limits

While gaming, set a time limit and abide by it. Nowadays, phones have settings that allow you to set a time limit for a certain app, you can implement these settings to ensure you do not go over time.

2) Engage In Outdoor Activities

In your daily routine, be sure to indulge yourself in outdoor activities, it could be as simple as going for a walk in a nearby park. Physical activity will allow you to reduce the chances of developing a gaming addiction. Furthermore, it is also great for your mental and physical well-being.

3) Follow A Routine

If you worry about developing an addiction to gaming, try setting up a routine for yourself to follow. The routine should consist of productive work, along with taking rest, and spending time for leisure activities. It helps keep your mind diverted from the temptation of gaming.

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How One Can Overcome A Gaming Addiction

If you or someone you know is suffering from a game addiction, the best course of action would be to seek help from a professional who will help you with the same. However, there are some things you can do to support a person during this time

  1. Set A Strict Time Limit

For someone who is dealing with gaming addiction, prohibiting gaming can cause severe withdrawal symptoms. Hence, it is important that you slowly make them reduce the time rather than depriving an addict of it. For example, if someone plays for 12 hours a day, reduce it to 8, and then lower it over time.

While some people may overcome addiction with the support of friends and family, some may need professional help as well. Hence, it is important to remember that if they keep falling into a pattern of addiction with many failed attempts, seeking help from a professional is highly advisable.

  1. Provide A Support System

When one is suffering from an addiction it is important to be supportive and understanding. Find ways to spend more time with them and talk to them, be open to patiently listening to them if they are sharing, and avoid giving any advice.

Oftentimes, people are hesitant to seek help from professionals. If that is the case, try to talk to them and let them know that it is okay to seek help. However, you must refrain from pressuring them, as they may withdraw from the conversation.

  1. Indulge In Other Activities 

During an addiction, it is beneficial to keep busy and indulge in other activities. Try to help an addict by distracting them with other things like journaling, crafting, exercising, gardening, dancing, etc. Participating in activities can help them to distract their urges for gaming.

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Gaming has several benefits when played in moderation. However, gaming excessively can lead to an addiction. Ever since Covid-19 the rise of gaming addiction has increased. It is important to look out for signs of addiction such as withdrawal from other interests, lying about game time, excessive gaming, lack of self-control, and increase in anxiety and irritability when deprived of playing games.

Dealing with addictions can be hard. Hence, it is important to take preventive measures such as setting a time limit for gaming, engaging in outdoor activities, and following a routine. However, if someone has already become an addict, it is best to help them by seeking professional help. In a scenario, when the addict is hesitant about seeking help

By Shreya Bhatt

I am Shreya Bhatt, a content writer and creator who enjoys answering audiences' curiosity with her blogs. I graduated in 2023 with a bachelor's in mass communication. I have always taken an immense interest in writing, and creating content. My first workshop about SEO is what piqued my interest in content writing, and I have been pursuing it ever since. I love to write about diverse topics and enjoy researching and gathering information about something that is new to me. Although I graduated in 2023, I have over a year's experience in content writing. Personally, I love to travel, listen to music, and follow an active lifestyle. As a child, I often looked at Google to answer all my questions, and today as an adult I look to answer the questions of others.

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