Taking A Break In A Relationship: How Does It Affect The Relationship?Taking A Break In A Relationship: How Does It Affect The Relationship?

Often, people assume that taking a break in a relationship means that their relationship is coming to an end. However, that is not true. People take breaks for various reasons such as:

  1. Self Discovery

When people have been in a relationship for a long time, they often lose their individuality. This happens because they are likely to adopt habits of each other during a long-term relationship.

Hence, some people take time off to figure out who they are, what they are passionate about and what they want to work on. Taking a break in this scenario simply means the partner wants time to explore themselves as an individual and find out who they are.

  1. Communication Barriers

Communication is the key to a healthy relationship. Hence, if there is any communication barrier, it causes trust issues, miscommunication, misinterpretation of messages and misunderstandings. 

These issues can cause frustration. Hence, some people prefer taking a break to clear their minds and work on their communication skills.

Also read: How can I overcome communication barriers?

  1. Confusion

It is quite common to feel attracted to someone else while you are in a relationship. Nevertheless, acting on those attractions is wrong. 

Sometimes in these scenarios, partners need a break to figure out who they truly love, or if they have lost feelings for their significant other.

These decisions are often tricky to make because sometimes attractions can be quite strong. Hence, to clear their mind they need to spend some time alone to figure out their true feelings.

  1. Emotional & Mental Well Being

There is a common saying that “To love others you must first love yourself”. 

When a partner is facing mental health issues it gets difficult to manage a relationship. Relationship and mental health issues both require time, patience and a lot of effort. Sometimes people with mental health issues may not be able to handle both.

While a partner can help support you during tough times, some people prefer to work on themselves alone without the support of a partner.

  1. Time For Self

While some people can work on themselves being in a relationship, it may be tricky for others to do so. 

Oftentimes, people need to prioritise themselves to work on personal and professional growth. Hence, they take a break from relationships to put in all their focus, time, effort and energy to grow.

  1. Trust Issues

In case of poor communication, infidelity, or betrayal, trust issues are quite likely to arise. In such situations, the partner needs time to regain their trust as they have been hurt. 

Building trust is a slow process, it is very hard to build but very easy to break. Hence, often partners need time to reflect on their thoughts as well as feelings and decide if they want to continue to be in the relationship or not.

  1. Feeling Stuck

In long-term relationships, things may likely get repetitive and partners feel stuck in a loop. It is common in on-and-off relationships but can also occur in a healthy relationship.

Feeling stuck in a relationship can cause a person to be irritated and agitated. In such situations, a partner requires time in which they can practise a different routine. Hence, taking a break in such a situation is ideal as it allows them to rediscover their passion and spend some personal time apart from their partner.

Is Taking A Break In A Relationship A Bad Sign?

The answer to this question is quite subjective. Some people often believe that a break is the end of the relationship, while others believe it is a positive sign as the person is taking time off to resolve and reconsider their relationship.

Breaks have become infamous because several people use breaks as a reason for breakups, or use it as an excuse to cheat. However, this is not always the case.

In a mature relationship, a break doesn’t always necessarily lead to a breakup but rather it allows time for partners to make decisions. Even healthy relationships require breaks sometimes for several reasons.

Hence, the answer to this may vary on several factors mentioned above. It is important to remember, that you can not determine it as a bad sign but may not necessarily always be positive as it depends on the situation and a partner’s decision.

Suggested reads: Rough Patch In A Relationship: How to Get Over It?

What To Do During The Break?

During a break, it is important to give your partner the space they require. This allows them to take some time off and focus on themselves. Keep in mind to discuss with your partner what they expect from a break, do they require cutting off completely or are they comfortable with talking occasionally?

If your partner requests to cut off completely for some time, you can also utilise the time to work on your own goals. Keep yourself distracted and busy. In case you feel low, spend time with friends and family so that you can keep your mind off of the break. Furthermore, you can practise meditation and mindfulness which will allow you to relax and calm your mind.

Also read: Long Term Relationships: How To Keep The Romance Alive?


Several reasons cause partners to take a break in a relationship. Nevertheless, it doesn’t always mean that your relationship will end. Taking a break in a relationship is often considered a bad sign by many while others view it as a positive sign. However, it is highly dependent on the situation.

By Shreya Bhatt

I am Shreya Bhatt, a content writer and creator who enjoys answering audiences' curiosity with her blogs. I graduated in 2023 with a bachelor's in mass communication. I have always taken an immense interest in writing, and creating content. My first workshop about SEO is what piqued my interest in content writing, and I have been pursuing it ever since. I love to write about diverse topics and enjoy researching and gathering information about something that is new to me. Although I graduated in 2023, I have over a year's experience in content writing. Personally, I love to travel, listen to music, and follow an active lifestyle. As a child, I often looked at Google to answer all my questions, and today as an adult I look to answer the questions of others.

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