7 Morning Habits To Help You Stay Productive7 Morning Habits To Help You Stay Productive

My mother always made me practice morning habits, as at this time your mind is fresh and relaxed. Moreover, when you start your day with healthy habits, it helps you be productive.

Have you ever observed that when you wake up and laze around in the morning, you often feel lazy the whole day? However, when you wake up and get work done, you are more likely to feel productive. This is because practising morning habits can help change your productivity level throughout the day. We will discuss this further in the blog.

7 Morning Habits You Must Implement

  1. Maintain Hygiene

The first thing to do as soon as you wake up is to freshen up and take care of personal hygiene. It includes brushing your teeth, washing your face, taking a bath, and more.

When you bathe early in the morning, you feel fresh, energised, and ready to start your day. 

  1. Pray/Meditate

Once you have taken a bath, you should pray and take time to remember god as he is the reason for your existence. After praying, practice meditation for 5 minutes daily as it will help you focus. However, if you are not a believer, you can skip prayers and meditate instead.

Apart from praying, you can also take time to learn more about your religion by reading the holy books. It is a good practice as it helps you grow spiritually.

  1. Have Breakfast

As you know, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Hence, you must have a healthy breakfast that is rich in nutrients. Having a healthy meal allows you to have energy throughout the day. 

  1. Exercise

Exercising early in the morning is beneficial as it keeps you healthy and helps you maintain a healthy weight. Moreover, after working out, you feel energised and fresh. Exercising can be of any form such as running, jogging, practising yoga, going to the gym, playing sports, etc.

  1. Journaling

Take some time to journal. While journaling you can write down tasks that you have for the day, practice gratitude, write your thoughts and feelings, etc.

Also read: Maintaining A Self-Care Journal

  1. Read

Reading is a great habit which allows you to learn and expand your knowledge. You can either read the newspaper or novels. Nonetheless, make sure you are gaining knowledge and learning something new.

Suggested reads: 5 Life-Changing Books For Teenagers

  1. Maintain A Routine

Always maintain a healthy routine. Wake up early in the morning, so you have sufficient time to practice your habits before classes or work. Building a routine allows you to have discipline and follow a healthy lifestyle.

Benefits Of Implementing Morning Habits

  1. Increases Motivation

When you wake up early in the morning and do productive activities like reading a book or exercising, you feel a sense of accomplishment. The sense of accomplishment makes you feel motivated to achieve more and get your work done. 

  1. Helps With Time Management

When you wake up in the morning and write down tasks, you have enough time to accomplish them. Moreover, you have plenty of time to plan and execute your tasks according to their priorities. 

  1. Reduces Stress

When you have sufficient time to plan and complete your work, you worry less about tasks. Moreover, as you plan your day and responsibilities, you know how you are going to handle them, thus lowering the pressure and stress.

  1. Boosts Energy

Waking up early in the morning and exercising boost blood flow which makes you feel more energetic. Additionally, exercising releases endorphins which help to reduce stress.

  1. Improves Focus

Waking up early in the morning and meditating helps to reduce stress and focus on your thoughts clearly, thus improving focus.

How Implementing Morning Habits Improve Your Productivity

There is a famous saying “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise”. When you start with good habits like meditation and exercising, it allows your mind to relax and increases focus which helps in productivity.

When you wake up and complete one task you feel productive throughout the day, this drives you to work hard. Nonetheless, you must have 8 hours of good sleep the previous night.

Waking up early in the morning allows you to have more time to plan and execute your plans. Moreover, you can work on self-development without any interruptions. 

Another habit I would recommend is to not use any screen till at least an hour after you wake up. This improves your focus because you are not distracted during that time, and it is also healthy for your mental and physical well-being.

Additionally waking up early at a specific time every day helps to set your body clock, it has several benefits such as:
a) improves sleep quality

b) improves immunity

c) improves mood

d) improves energy levels, etc.


When you wake up early in the morning certain habits such as taking care of personal hygiene, praying, meditating, having a healthy breakfast, exercising, journaling, and reading, help to increase your productivity.

When you practice these habits you feel motivated to work harder. Moreover, when you wake up early you have more time and energy which allows you to plan and complete your work promptly. Additionally, practices like exercising and meditating help to increase energy levels and focus.

Hence, when you practice these habits early in the morning, it helps you to stay productive throughout the day. Being productive leads to personal and professional success. 

Personal Note:

It takes time to build a habit, it does not happen overnight. Nonetheless, you must stay focused and determined toward your goal. Start by practising one habit daily, and slowly get regular with it, then move to the next, and make time for yourself.

By Shreya Bhatt

I am Shreya Bhatt, a content writer and creator who enjoys answering audiences' curiosity with her blogs. I graduated in 2023 with a bachelor's in mass communication. I have always taken an immense interest in writing, and creating content. My first workshop about SEO is what piqued my interest in content writing, and I have been pursuing it ever since. I love to write about diverse topics and enjoy researching and gathering information about something that is new to me. Although I graduated in 2023, I have over a year's experience in content writing. Personally, I love to travel, listen to music, and follow an active lifestyle. As a child, I often looked at Google to answer all my questions, and today as an adult I look to answer the questions of others.

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